Steel Cord Conveyor belts

steel cord conveyor belt

The service life of steel cord conveyor belts

Steel Cord Conveyor belts are used in powerful belt conveyor, It is composed of a thin wire with a core, plus a cover rubber. Steel Cord conveyor belts quality is one of the key factors of belt life.The service life of steel cord conveyor belts

It should meet the following conditions:

1. high breaking strength. High-strength steel wire rope belt can increase strength. In another aspect, the high strength steel wire rope, the diameter of the rope can be reduced. The thickness of the conveyor belt can also be reduced accordingly, in order to achieve a smaller size of the conveyor belt, reducing the investment in equipment.

2. The wire rope with a rubber having a high adhesion. This has great significance with respect to the vulcanization joints. The main measures to improve the adhesion between the rope and the rope rubber surface plated brass and with hard rubber.

3. Steel cord  conveyor belt should have a high resistance to fatigue strength, to improve life.

4. It should have good flexibility, in order to facilitate the conveyor belt running through the change of direction of the bending roller.

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