V pattern Conveyor belt

Product Description:
V Pattern conveyor belt is composed of belt carcass and chevron shape and height may be different because of different conveyed material and griant of conveyor.
1. Shape and characteristics
On surface of the belt there is chevron pattern higher than the belt body. The chevron may be either open-end or closed. Each kind of pattern includes three types of high, medium and low.
2. Transport Materials Type:
V Pattern conveyor belt can convey powdered, granulated and small lump materials at the gradient of no more than400. It can also convey packaged materials .
Pattern Belt characteristics:
On surface of the belt, there is chevron pattern higher than the belt body. Each kind of pattern includes of high medium and low.Chevron conveyor belt is suitable for conveyor grain or power materials and can work with an obliquity less than 40 degrees.
Features: Anti-slip
Cleats and top cover rubber are vulcanized integrally.
Cleat pattern, angle and pitch are designed elaborately.

V pattern belt application

V pattern belt application