Chemical Resistant Conveyor Belting


Chemical Resistant Conveyor Belting

chemical rubber_belt

Chemical Resistant Conveyor Belting solutions delivered feature use of superior rubber cover that is made from chemical resistant material and has fine anti-chemical corrosiveness. Also featuring optimum physical properties, these beltings are developed using materials that do not dissolve, expand as well as corrode the belt, thus making these suitable for conveying material with chemical corrosiveness in –

  • Chemical factory
  • Chemical fertilizer factory
  • Paper mills
  • Belting for Mining Industry
  • Fertilizer industry
  • Belting for Cement Industry
  • In other areas requiring conveying of acid/alkali-forming materials


  • These conveyor belts feature superior chemicals and corrosion resistant properties
  • Having superior elasticity as well as small elongation at rated load
  • Have superior adhesion, flexibility as well as trough ability
  • Resistant to most chemicals including chlorinated compounds, acids & bases, coolant oils

Why Used:

These Acid as well as alkali resistant conveyor belts are used for conveying corrosive material that comprises acid as well as alkali in an industrial and mining working environment as well as in fertilizer plants, paper mills and chemical plants. Some of the characteristics of these belts that make these preferably used include:

  • Have superior bonding properties with no layer separation
  • Use of cotton, polyester-cotton, nylon and other material based belt cores that adds to the durability factor as well as resistance from chemicals


Technical Indexes
Item Tensile Strength /Mpa = Elongation at break /% = Abrasion /mm3 = Hardness /(o)+10-5 Ozone deterioration
Cover Physical property Before aging 14 400 250 60 No cracks
After aging 12 340 65
Acid and alkali resistance Class Soak liquid Density Soak conditions Change rate before and after soak
oC x h Swelling rate Change rate of tensile strength
A1 HCL 18% 50oC x 96h =+10% =-10%
A2 H2SO4 50% 50oC x 96h =+10% =-10%
A3 NaOH 48% 50oC x 96h =+10% =-10%

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